BISKUIT ARGENTINA:Cake de choco, merengue y cerezas - Sólo por Gusto

biskuit argentina   biskuit argentina Para el biscuit 2 discos de 22 cm. 125 gr de harina 2 cdas de maicena ½ cdita. de polvo de hornear ½ cdita. de bicarbonato 60 gr de cacao Sal, c/n 110 gr de manteca pomada 280 gr de azúcar 3 huevos ½ taza de leche. Para el merengue seco 1 disco de 22 cm. Para el Merengue italiano 2 claras 120 gr de azúcar 40 ml de agua. Para decorar y rellenar

biskuit better Culinary pros shared their tips for making cookies from premade mixes and doughs taste homemade. They recommended adding salty mix-ins like pretzels, chips, or nuts to the dough. Rolling the dough in spices or a fun garnish can elevate your cookies. Not everyone has the time or skill to bake fresh

better biskuit Culinary pros shared their tips for making cookies from premade mixes and doughs taste homemade. They recommended adding salty mix-ins like pretzels, chips, or nuts to the dough. Rolling the dough in spices or a fun garnish can elevate your cookies. Not everyone has the time or skill to bake fresh

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