alphabet j alphabet huruf korea a z J ȷ Dotless j Old High German: ᴊ: Small capital J: Uralic Phonetic Alphabet 2 K: Kelvin sign: Kelvin unit of measure temperature; character decomposition is a capital K ᴋ: Small capital K: Uralic Phonetic Alphabet 2 Ʞ ʞ: Turned K: IPA proposed symbol for velar click; withdrawn 1970 as articulation judged impossible ? Reversed k
alphabet rusia The Alphabet: A Different Starting Poin t When you first encounter the Cyrillic alphabet, it’s like stepping into a new world. For example, you’ll see letters like “Д” that look unfamiliar but sound like “D,” or “В,” which is pronounced like “V.”
mandarin alphabet Shanghainese, like the rest of the Wu language group, is mutually unintelligible with other varieties of Chinese, such as Mandarin. 1 Shanghainese belongs to a separate group of the Taihu Wu subgroup. With nearly 14 million speakers, Shanghainese is also the largest single form of Wu Chinese